Labor Day BBQ with Family

Labor Day

The first Monday of September is just around the corner.  That means only one thing – Labor Day!  Americans spend this day in observance of the creation of the Labor Movement and in honor of the nation’s workers.  By their collective toils this nation has grown strong and prosperous, as history tells us.

Most of us  spend Labor Day in family picnics and barbecues, parties, parades, watching firework displays and attending the general festivities.  It’s one traditional holiday that everyone looks forward to, the perfect time for some R&R.

But some of us may also take advantage of this holiday to catch up on some housekeeping in and around the house.   House cleaning and repairs often produce quite a lot of junk.  That old TV mildewing in the basement or that red couch that now occupies the attic.

Labor Day junk removal can be quite challenging for the average person.  Here are why:

  1. Do-it-yourself junk removal can take a long time.  What is intended to be an hour or so of junk removal and cleanup can stretch the entire day.  There goes your Labor Day!
  2. Junk removal can cause serious injuries. Studies show that very few people know how to lift objects properly.  With junk removal involving large objects, you are in danger of hurting yourself and ending up with a lifetime of back or spine injury.
  3. Junk hauling can cause damage to property.  It’s hard to maneuver large junks outside of the house.  They can leave wall scratches, bump into other furniture, or inadvertently collide with glass windows, walls or house decorations.

To free yourself from the hassle of junk removal on Labor Day, it is better to rely on professional junk removal experts.  They have the skills and experience for no-fuss junk hauling.  They can do it quicker, with no injury to anyone, and leaving no damages to your house.  They have the proper training and equipments to do the job.  The cost of hiring a professional hauler is minimal when compared to the cost of hospital visits and medications, damaged property, and a stressful Labor Day, so think about it!